Encrypt PHP source code

PHP encryption is a new, still experimental feature of HTML Guardian.
Please note that at this time we do not provide technical support for it - this means we may not be able to solve the problems you experience when you encrypt php files.
However, please report all problems to our support team - you may or may not receive a reply, but the problem will be examined and the CodeAnalyzer ™ engine knowledge base will be updated. Reporting any problem you experience will help us a lot to improve php encryption in the next releases of the program.

Please be aware of the following limitations in php encryption:

- only the client - side code will be encrypted . The php code (enclosed within the <? ...... ?> delimiters) will not be. However, this code is not visible for the visitors of your site, it can't be seen if a visitor clicks View --> Source. The code generated by the php scripts will not be encrypted.

- HTML Guardian will only recognize the .php file extension. Files with .phtml, .php3 and other deprecated extensions will not be recognized as php files. To encrypt such files, you'll have to change their extension to .php first. After the encryption, you may rename the encrypted file to restore the original extension.

- HTML Guardian will only recognize <? ...... ?> delimiters as php delimiters. The php code should be enclosed within <?PHP ...... ?> or just <? ....... ?> .
If your php code is enclosed within asp-style tags <% ..... %> , the encrypted file will most likely not work.

- Image Guardian can't protect images referenced inside php script parts of the code <? ....... ?>. Only the images referenced in the client-side code can be protected. [more info about image protection]

PHP encryption support will be improved in the next versions of HTML Guardian.
Please inform us for any problems you have when you encrypt php files.

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