product of its kind, bar none." |
Main HTML Guardian features:
[see why it is adopted worldwide as a website protection standard] [DreamWeaver encryption add-on installation info] Benefits:
With ordinary files it's quite easy to copy any part of the code and use it in another file. You may spend a lot of time developing state-of-the-art page layouts, complicated scripts or dhtml effects (or you may pay someone else a lot of money to develop them for you) - but once you have uploaded your site, anyone can take and edit your files slightly and then use them as her or his own. No special knowledge or experience is required;, even a beginner can take a complicated page and modify it to fit his needs quickly and easily. In today's highly competitive environment, this may have a negative effect on your business. However, if you protect your website, you can dismiss these worries. What's yours is yours. Period! Image theft is one of the most common things, and a major concern for many webmasters. The Image Guardian add-on for HTML Guardian provides enhanced protection for the images on your website. It is an invaluable tool if you have a picture gallery website, or you just don't want your images to be copied by anyone and posted on other websites. Image Guardian also makes it impossible to directly link to your images from other websites. Current statistics show that more than 80% of web browsing is done from office, university, school, and other large organizations computers, and only about 20% is done from home computers. But nowadays more and more corporations, government organizations and universities are using the so-called "content filters" to limit access to certain web sites. Simply said, a content filter is software that sits between a corporate LAN and the Internet and scans all web pages requested by users. Since web pages are actually plain text files, they can be easily scanned for certain 'bad' words. If such words are detected, the filter blocks the page from being sent to the user who requested it. These restrictions are not only for adult and gambling sites, as you might think. Actually many organizations block access to sites that offer online shopping, sites related to music, fashion, movies, sports, online forums, shareware sites, sites that offer recipes, horoscopes, and many, many other things that you might never expect. It's easy to understand such policy. The management would prefer its employees not to waste their time for surfing the Web. But the result of all this is: Web content filters can effectively hide your site from more than 50% of your potential visitors! If you encrypt your pages, content filters will still scan them, but will not find anything suspicious. HTML Guardian is continuously being tested against all software of this kind that we become aware of - where the ordinary files are blocked, encrypted files have no problem getting through :) Some of our customers have reported 2, 3 or even 5 times more visits to their sites after they began using HTML Guardian! Encrypting your files is also useful if you want to put a banner or any other kind of advertisement on your site. There are many personal web content filters available ( like AdFilter, AdMuncher, AdSubtract, Norton Internet Security, Proxomitron and many others). These filters remove advertisements based on different criteria. Visitors who use this kind of software will not see your banners. However, if you encrypt your pages, everyone will see them. HTML Guardian not only protects your files and links, but it can also save you money in the event that you pay for site traffic. Lots of websites get 'hacked' every day. The consequences of this may vary from relatively harmless, like stupid messages posted on your main page, to disastrous like account or data theft, data loss etc. Source code encryption alone is surely not enough to prevent hacking. It may not help if your server is improperly configured and so vulnerable. But encryption significantly reduces the attack surface of your website, and so the risks of hacking. For example most hack attempts start with an automated probing of your website for potential vulnerabilities. Specialized tools can scan thousands of websites daily for weaknesses that can be exploited. If your code is encrypted, these tools will fail to analyze it and the bad guys will skip your site. HTML Guardian stops site rippers. They are unable to analyze encrypted files and will download nothing but the page they were configured to start with. So called "email spiders" can scan thousands of websites per day and extract all email addresses from them. Once an email address is posted online, it will sooner or later appear in some spamming database. It is impossible to extract emails from protected sites. | ||
is among the companies that will determine the future of the web." | ||
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